We are seeking nominations for Arctic researchers at all career stages, as well as individuals and community leaders with knowledge, skills, and experience relevant to Arctic research planning, particularly Indigenous Knowledge Holders, to join the ICARP IV Research Priority Teams!
ICARP IV Research Priority Teams (RPT) will be set up for seven preliminary topic areas.
We are accepting nominations from
- individuals wishing to nominate themselves or others for a particlular RPT; or
- ICARP IV partner organisations wishing to nominate a participant.
The deadline to submit nominations is on 29 September 2023. The nomination form and more information about the work of the RPTs and the nomination process is available on the ICARP IV website. For questions, please contact
The 4th International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP IV) Process is a decadal Arctic research planning process organised from 2022 until 2026 by the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) in cooperation with many partners worldwide for the fourth time since 1995. ICARP IV is a community-wide undertaking engaging Arctic researchers, Indigenous Peoples, policy makers, residents and stakeholders from around the world to discuss the state of Arctic science and the place the Arctic occupies in global affairs and Earth systems. The process considers the most urgent knowledge gaps and research priorities for the next decade (until 2035), and explores avenues to address and implement these research needs. More information can be found on the ICARP IV website.
Other ways to engage in the ICARP IV process:
Throughout 2023 and 2024, community engagement within the ICARP IV process is encouraged with the goal of the process being truly inclusive, diverse, and engaging to ensure that the research priorities for the next decade are firmly grounded on the advice and needs of Arctic scientists and science organisations, Indigenous peoples and Arctic residents, stakeholders, and rights-holders. Individuals of all career stages, groups, networks, institutions, and organisations are encouraged to contribute to this ICARP IV engagement process and you can find more information on the ICARP IV website.