On the 2-3 December 2024, UiT - The Arctic University of Norway arranged a Norwegian workshop to discuss "From ICARP IV to the next International Polar Year". 

The workshop aimed to further engage Norwegian Arctic research community in the ICARP IV process, inform about progress to date, and solicit further input to ongoing work of the Research Priority Teams (RPTs). The event was planned and organised by Gosia Smieszek-Rice and Robbie Mallett, co-chairs for ICARP IV Research Priority Teams (RPTs) 4 and 2 respectively.

More than 50 participants representing social and natural sciences from a number of Norwegian research institutions took part in the 2-day program.The first day of the workshop included presentations about the ICARP IV process and its current status of work, followed by discussions in four break-out groups that covered research priorities, knowledge gaps and needs and capabilities for ICARP and the next IPY. The outcomes of these discussions will be brought forward to the ICARP IV Summit in Boulder, CO, in March 2025. 

The second day of the workshop included presentations from the break-out groups followed by plenary discussions. The workshop also had presentations from the Research Council of Norway (RCN) about national planning and organization of the IPY5 as well as upcoming Arctic funding possibilities. A panel debate discussed funding of Arctic science towards IPY5, indigenous involvement and policy impact.

Participants found the event very helpful in terms of both soliciting input to the ongoing ICARP IV work as well as further raising awareness and inclusion of the Norwegian Arctic research community in ICARP and IPY processes. 

The workshop was organized with financial support from RCN.

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