Participate in the survey of the  ICARP IV Research Priority Team 3 -  Understanding the dynamics and resilience of Arctic social-ecological systems to foster sustainable futures, and help establish future research priorities for the Arctic region! Every ~10 years the International Arctic Science Committee endeavors to identify a set of research priorities that can then be used to support Arctic science efforts globally. The set of priorities will be released in 2025 and are organized under several different thematic areas. The aim of this survey is to support the collective identification of knowledge gaps and science priority needs for theme area three which is to support a better “understanding of the dynamics and resilience of Arctic social-ecological systems to foster a sustainable future”. 

Participate in the survey of the  ICARP IV Research Priority Team 3 -  Understanding the dynamics and resilience of Arctic social-ecological systems to foster sustainable futures, and help establish future research priorities for the Arctic region!

Every ~10 years the International Arctic Science Committee endeavors to identify a set of research priorities that can then be used to support Arctic science efforts globally. The set of priorities will be released in 2025 and are organized under several different thematic areas. 

The aim of this survey is to support the collective identification of knowledge gaps and science priority needs for theme area three which is to support a better “understanding of the dynamics and resilience of Arctic social-ecological systems to foster a sustainable future”. This is a broad area is meant to capture human-environment dynamics, including, but not limited to such things as; equitable and sustainable development, health and well-being, one-health, access to safe water and food, food security, cultural heritage, energy systems and production, human dimensions of climate change, climate change mitigation and adaptation solutions, infrastructure, migration, economic sectors, and infrastructure. 

The ultimate objective is to identify the most pressing, urgent, and relevant research priority areas for the next 10 years that can support a sustainable future for people and the environment that is needed for humanity. This is the first of a two-part survey and you will be asked; 1) what knowledge gaps related to this theme exist, 2) what research areas should be prioritized to fill identified gaps, and 3) some basic information about you! 

On behalf of the IASC research priorities team, I would like to invite you to complete our two-part questionnaires - one now which will be available for approximately 2-4 weeks, and then another one in May/June 2025. The second survey will build on the first one both will take about 20-30 minutes of your time. It is also possible for you to participate in one of the two surveys. 

You can access the Qualtrics survey through this link:

You will have the option to: 

1. Participate anonymously i.e. Name will not appear in reports and publications; or 

2. Have your name included in the list of participants only; or 

3. Have your name and affiliation included in the list of participants only

You will also have the option to receive a report of the final results. 

Please also feel free to share this link with anyone you feel may be interested in participating. If you are interested in learning more about this project or have any questions, please feel free to contact the Co-Chairs of our IASC working group anytime (information about and contact information for the RPT3 team can be found here).

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